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  • HP 50g graphing calculator
  • HP 50g graphing calculator
  • HP 50g graphing calculator
  • HP 50g graphing calculator

HP 50g graphing calculator

106,18 €
Šifra oglasa: 4516764

Osnovne informacije


Opis oglasa

star dvije godine kao nov, ušćuvan, jako malo korišten
usb kabel i kožna futrola, utor za SD karticu i uputstvo na engleskom
- dodani geodetski programi

Kalkulator je jedan od najnaprednijih i najpopularnijih modela i koristi se za rad i studiranje u mnogim područjima. Idealan izbor za inženjere, građevinske nadglednike, studente, znanstvenike, .... Ima više od 2300 ugraenih funkcija SD card slot, 2D i 3D grafiku, SAT Reasoning Test. RPN pstavke , algebarske postavke ili postavke za unos tekstualnih podataka.

The ultimate graphing calculator for surveying, engineering, math and science professionals and students is even better. The new HP 50g graphing calculator features an SD card slot with formatting functions, RPN~, Algebraic and Textbook data entry, the largest high-contrast screen with more usable space than ever, serial port and USB and connectivity. Plus, HP Solve, structured programming and Computer Algebra System (CAS). You also get the reassurance of award-winning HP support 24-hours a day.

• Massive 2.5MB total memory—512KB RAM plus 2MB flash ROM for performing future upgrades
• Equation library and 2300+ built-in functions—ideal for both professionals and students
• FREE USB connectivity kit with USB cable, connectivity software and pouch included
• Choose RPN, Textbook and Algebraic entry and customize data with four font sizes and styles
• Enhanced HP keypad with re-definable keyboard and menu keys allows for reduced keying errors
• HP Solve application allows you to type and store an equation then use to solve any variable
• Easily perform complex arithmetic and calculus functions with advanced Computer Algebra System (CAS)
• New powerful SD card slot allows you to format your card right in the calculator and expand memory
• Calculate advanced expressions and view solutions in 2- or 3-D graphical representation
• Award-winning HP quality and support—available 24/7 online and on the phone
Oglas objavljen
06.09.2012. u 08:01
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