• ➤ Used IMA Angular transfer For sale | gindumac.com
  • ➤ Used IMA Angular transfer For sale | gindumac.com
  • ➤ Used IMA Angular transfer For sale | gindumac.com
  • ➤ Used IMA Angular transfer For sale | gindumac.com
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➤ Used IMA Angular transfer For sale | gindumac.com

1 €
Šifra oglasa: 44358072

Osnovne informacije


Opis oglasa

This woodworking machine was manufactured in 1995 by IMA. It features an angle transfer for connecting two machines at a 90-degree angle, enhancing production line efficiency. Equipped with its own drives for feed and width adjustment, it includes transport chains and electronically adjustable workpiece holding rails. Throughput speed ranges from 20-100 m/min with a maximum passage width of 1000 mm. A great opportunity to buy this IMA Angular transfer woodworking machine. For more information about this woodworking machine, please reach out to us.


Svi oglasi ove trgovine
Korisnik je verificirao broj telefona u državi: Germany
Oglas objavljen
02.07.2024. u 02:34
Do isteka još
do prodaje
Oglas prikazan
12 puta


Svi oglasi ove trgovine
Korisnik je verificirao broj telefona u državi: Germany