...ali tvoja aktivnost i ponašanje na ovoj web stranici naveli su me da mislim da si prešao na tamnu stranu.
Prevedeno na hrvatski s robotskog jezika, evo što se moglo dogoditi:
Robot ne smije naškoditi čovjeku ili svojom pasivnošću dopustiti da se čovjeku naškodi.
Ako i dalje često dobivaš CAPTCHA-u ili smatraš da sam pogriješio, kontaktiraj me kopiranjem jedinstvene oznake u e-poruku.
Incident ID: 9ff28d2b-851d-4560-bed9-59fbf745c690
Riješi CAPTCHA-u i prijeđi na pseću stranu!
...but your activity and behaviour on this site made me think that you have crossed to the dark side.
Translated to English from robotics, here it is what could be going on here:
A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
However, if you are frequently getting CAPTCHA or if you feel that you have reached this page in error, please contact me copying ID below in the e-mail.
Incident ID: 9ff28d2b-851d-4560-bed9-59fbf745c690
Solve the CAPTCHA and come to the dog side!