• rf elektronka 3000 W HIGH MU POWER TRIODE 3CX3000F7 / 8162 Eimac
  • rf elektronka 3000 W HIGH MU POWER TRIODE 3CX3000F7 / 8162 Eimac
  • rf elektronka 3000 W HIGH MU POWER TRIODE 3CX3000F7 / 8162 Eimac
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rf elektronka 3000 W HIGH MU POWER TRIODE 3CX3000F7 / 8162 Eimac

1.500 €
Šifra oglasa: 44880585

Osnovne informacije


Opis oglasa

Prodaje se nova, nerazpakovana VF elektronka Eimac 3CX3000F7/8162

The 3CX3000F7/8162 high-mu forced air
cooled power triode provides relatively high
power output as an amplifier, oscillator or
modulator at low voltages. The tube has
a low inductance cylindrical filament tank
circuit for VHF operation. Operation with
zero grid bias in many applications offers
circuit simplicity by eliminating the bias sup-
ply. Grounded-grid operation is attractive
since a power gain of over twenty times can
be obtained. The 3CX3000F7/8162 tube is
identical to the 3CX3000A7 except for the
addition of flexible leads on the base for grid
and filament connections which can simplify
sockeitng in low frequency applications.

3000 W HIGH MU POWER TRIODE 3CX3000F7/8162
Maximum plate dissipation: 4,000 Watts
Maximum screen dissipation: ---
Maximum grid dissipation: 225 Watts
Frequency for max rating (CW): 30 MHz
Amplification factor: 160
Filament/cathode: Thoriated Tungsten
Voltage: 7.5 Volts
Current: 51.5 Amps
Capacitance: Grounded cathode
Input: 38.0 pF
Output: 0.6 pF
Feedthrough: 24.0 pF
Capacitance: Grounded grid
Input: 38.0 pF
Output: 24.0 pF
Feedthrough: 0.6 pF
Cooling: Forced Air
Base: Special with Flying Leads
Air Socket: ---
Air Chimney: ---
Boiler: ---
Length: 18.437 in; 468.30 mm
Diameter: 4.15 in; 105.50 mm
Weight: 7.0 lb; 3.2 kg



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Korisnik je verificirao broj telefona u državi: Slovenia
Korisnik nije trgovac te na njega nisu primjenjive EU odredbe o zaštiti potrošača
  • Adresa:  8250 brežice, Slovenia, Slovenia
Oglas objavljen
09.09.2024. u 07:31
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Svi oglasi ovog oglašivača
Korisnik je verificirao broj telefona u državi: Slovenia
Korisnik nije trgovac te na njega nisu primjenjive EU odredbe o zaštiti potrošača
  • Adresa:  8250 brežice, Slovenia, Slovenia