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  • Mesa Boogie 50. Caliber
  • Mesa Boogie 50. Caliber
  • Mesa Boogie 50. Caliber
  • Mesa Boogie 50. Caliber
  • Mesa Boogie 50. Caliber
  • Mesa Boogie 50. Caliber
  • Mesa Boogie 50. Caliber
  • Mesa Boogie 50. Caliber
  • Mesa Boogie 50. Caliber
  • Mesa Boogie 50. Caliber

Mesa Boogie 50. Caliber

846,11 €
Šifra oglasa: 30691005

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Opis oglasa

Mint stanje pojacala. Za sve muzicke zanrove od clean svirke do metala. Original foot switch.
Tehnicki i vizuelno sve savrseno. Izuzetno kvalitetean ton, zvuk kao Mark serije pojacala.
This Mesa Boogie 50. Caliber Combo Amp is just about everything a portable combo needs to be, while also being a whole lot more. It features a solo 12" 8-ohm Celestion Black Shadow speaker that delivers up to 90 watts of power with all-tube design. Powered by four El84 power tubes and five 12AX7 preamp tubes, it's capable of generating some monstrous lead tones while still maintaining plenty of headroom for a super clean tone, as well as thick, full-bodied crunch and overdrive.

Great for metal and hard rock players but players of all styles will enjoy its warmer tones and overall versatility. Plus the built-in five-channel equalizer really adds to its overall performance variability. Its front contains the majority of its controls, including the Input and Footswitch input, Gain, Master, Treble, Bass, Middle, Reverb, and Presence, as well as the equalizer, and EQ Auto, Standby and Power switches. On the back are a Slo-Blo Ground switch, a direct 1/4" input, two 4-ohm speaker 1/4" outputs, and Return and Send Effects 1/4" inputs. It also has an effects footswitch so you can easily switch between effects.

Size: 1 x 12”

Impedance: 8 ohms

Model: Celestion Black Shadow MC-90

Watts 90
Power: 4 x El84

Preamp: 5 x 12AX7s

Front Gain , Master, Treble, Bass, Middle, Reverb, Presence, 5-channel Equalizer, EQ Auto switch, Standby switch, Power switch
Rear Slo-Blo Ground switch, Direct 1/4" input, two 4-ohm Speaker 1/4" outputs, Return and Send Effects 1/4" inputs
Weight 45 lb.


Oglas objavljen
19.11.2020. u 00:53
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