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- Grad Zagreb
Opis oglasa
Prodajem aparat za elektrolizu, koji se koristi za trajno uklanjanje dlacica. Za razliku od lasera, na ovom aparatu nema upozorenja da se ne smije koristiti za otklanjanje dlacica sa tamne koze, niti da moze odstranjivati samo tamne dlacice... Koristi se galvanska tehnologija gdje se elektricitet provodi do folikula dlacice, koji postaje sve manje sposoban za stvaranje nove dlacice, a nakon par koristenja biva potpuno unisten.
Nikad korišten i kupljen u Engleskoj!
Opis na engleskom:
The E-Pen is a safe, easy to use, needle-free technology, home-use clinically proven permanent hair reduction. It is unique system for facial hair. The E-Pen has three interchangeable tips for unwanted hair. The eight self adhesive gel pads are ideal for the upper lip, and bikini line, and include extra large pads for use on the legs.
The system contains:
* Electrolysis pen
* 3 Interchangeable tips
* Pad connectors and lead
* 8 Self-adhesive gel pads
* Tweezers
* 75ml pre-epilation cleanser
* 75ml conductive gel
* 2xAAA bateries
* Instruction guide
* Carry case
Nikad korišten i kupljen u Engleskoj!
Opis na engleskom:
The E-Pen is a safe, easy to use, needle-free technology, home-use clinically proven permanent hair reduction. It is unique system for facial hair. The E-Pen has three interchangeable tips for unwanted hair. The eight self adhesive gel pads are ideal for the upper lip, and bikini line, and include extra large pads for use on the legs.
The system contains:
* Electrolysis pen
* 3 Interchangeable tips
* Pad connectors and lead
* 8 Self-adhesive gel pads
* Tweezers
* 75ml pre-epilation cleanser
* 75ml conductive gel
* 2xAAA bateries
* Instruction guide
* Carry case
- Oglas objavljen
- 10.08.2014. u 19:04
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- 696 puta