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Vidi sve oglase
  • Star Micronics SP700 POS Impact Matrix Printer USB SP-700 Cutter
  • Star Micronics SP700 POS Impact Matrix Printer USB SP-700 Cutter
  • Star Micronics SP700 POS Impact Matrix Printer USB SP-700 Cutter
  • Star Micronics SP700 POS Impact Matrix Printer USB SP-700 Cutter
  • Star Micronics SP700 POS Impact Matrix Printer USB SP-700 Cutter
  • Star Micronics SP700 POS Impact Matrix Printer USB SP-700 Cutter
  • Star Micronics SP700 POS Impact Matrix Printer USB SP-700 Cutter

Star Micronics SP700 POS Impact Matrix Printer USB SP-700 Cutter

46,32 €
Šifra oglasa: 24754480

Osnovne informacije

Grad Zagreb

Opis oglasa

Ispis na obican papir (puno jeftinije od termalnog), rezac papira (role), USB prikljucak.
Prikljucak na 220V ugradjen - nije potreban strujni ispravljac (adapter).
Plug & Play
Dvobojni print ovisno o ribbonu

Star Micronics SP700 Standard Features:
- High Speed Throughput: 13 Receipts per Minute
- "Plug & Play" USB Drivers. Swappable Interfaces Available
- 2-color printing (with black/red ribbon)
- Clamshell Design for Easy Paper Loading
- Spill-Proof & Heat-Resistant
- “Drop-In & Print” Paper Loading
- Internal Power Supply
- Installation CD with Full Driver Suite Included
- Wall Mount Bracket Option
- External Print Buzzer Option
- Installation with Full Driver Suite Included
- Available with WebPRNT Browser App

Uz printer imam:
- 6 Rola papira
- 15 kom Star RC700B Ribbona (Black) uz doplatu po dogovoru
- Original CD sa softwareom I driverima

- Odlican, u potpunosti ispravan, bez greske


- Preuzimanje u Zagrebu osobno ili saljem postom

- Pogledajte i ostale moje oglase
Oglas objavljen
18.10.2018. u 09:43
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