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  • Korijander - Zacin - Organski - Mljeveni - 454g

Korijander - Zacin - Organski - Mljeveni - 454g

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Zasto odabrati korijander? (text preveden sa Engleskog, strojno)
zdravlja blagodatima korijandera uključuju liječenje oteklina, visoke razine kolesterola, proljev, čirevi u ustima, anemija, probavu, menstrualni poremećaji, male boginje, oko njega, konjunktivitis, kožne bolesti, poremećaja razine šećera u krvi, itd.

Korijander, poznatiji kao Dhania u Indijski potkontinent ili cilantro u Americi i nekim dijelom Europe, je biljka koja se intenzivno koristi u cijelom svijetu kao začin ili kao ukras ili kao ukras na jela. Njegovo znanstveno ime je Coriandrum sativum L. Njegova lišća i plodova imaju tipični miris i koriste se sirovi ili osušeni u kulinarskim.

No, taj dio je bio samo uvod vrh sante leda. Korijander ima toliko prednosti da knjiga može biti napisan na njih. To je jedanaest komponenti eteričnih ulja, šest vrsta kiselina (uključujući i askorbinska kiselina, bolje poznat kao vitamin-C), minerale i vitamine, od kojih svaki ima nekoliko korisnih svojstava. Ostatak se daje u nastavku.

Oteklina: cineol, jedna od 11 sastavnica eteričnih ulja, i linolne kiseline, prisutne u korijander, posjeduje protiv reumatskih i protiv artritisa svojstva, koja su vrlo koristan za otekline izazvane zbog ta dva razloga. Za druge, kao što su oticanje zbog neispravnosti bubrega ili anemije, može se vidjeti kako biti učinkovit do neke mjere, kao i neke od komponenti pomoć izlučivanje dodatne vode iz tijela, dok.
Visoke razine kolesterola: Neke od kiselina prisutnih u korijandera viz. linolna kiselina, oleinska kiselina, palmitinska kiselina, stearinska kiselina i askorbinska kiselina (vitamin-C) su vrlo učinkovite u smanjenju razine kolesterola u krvi. Oni također smanjuju kolesterol taloženja uz unutarnje zidove arterije i vene.
Proljev: Neke od komponenti eteričnih ulja u korijandera, kao što su borneol i linalool, pomoći probavu, pravilan rad jetre i lijepljenje crijeva, pomaže izliječiti proljev. Također je korisna u proljev uzrokovan mikroba i gljivica postupke, jer komponente kao što su cineol, borneol, Limonene, alfa-pinen i beta-phelandrene imaju anti bakterijski učinak. Osim toga, svježi korijandar lišće su izvrsni predjela.
Usta ulcers: Citronelol, dio eteričnih ulja u korijander, je odličan antiseptik. Osim toga, ostale komponente su protiv mikroba i ljekovitih učinaka koje ne dopustite rane i čirevi u ustima ići gore. Oni pomoći ozdravljenja od čireva i osvježiti dah.
Anemija: Korijander je dobro u željeza sadržaja koji izravno pomaže liječenju anemije.
Probava: korijandar, zbog svoje bogate arome zbog eteričnih ulja, osim što je izvrstan aperitiv, pomaže u pravilnom izlučivanje enzima i probavnih sokova u želucu, stimulira probavu i peristaltiku pokreta. To je koristan u liječenju problema kao što su anoreksija.
Male boginje: eterična ulja u korijandera su bogate protiv mikroba, anti oxidant, anti zaraznih i detoksikacije komponente i kiselina. Prisutnost vitamina C i željeza ojačati imunološki sustav previše. Ta svojstva spriječiti i liječiti male boginje. Oni također smanjiti bol i imaju umirujuće djelovanje na boginje pacijenata.
Menstrualni poremećaji: Biti u prirodi poticanje i pomaganje pravilan iscjedak iz endokrinih žlijezda, ona također pomaže pravilno lučenje hormona, a time i poticanje odgovarajuće menstrualnog ciklusa i smanjenju boli i sl. tijekom razdoblja.
Eye Care: Korijander ima puno anti oxidants, vitamina A, vitamina C i minerala poput fosfora u eterična ulja u njoj koja sprječava starenje oka, makularna degeneracija i umiruje oči protiv stresa.
Konjunktivitis: Kao što je objašnjeno ranije, korijander je vrlo dobar dezinficijens i ima anti mikrobna svojstva koja štite oči od zaraznih bolesti kao što su konjunktivitis.
Kožnih bolesti: dezinficijens, detoksikacije, anti-septičke, anti-gljivične i anti-oxidant svojstva kumin idealni su za liječenje kožnih bolesti poput ekcema, suhoće i gljivične infekcije.
Šećer u krvi: Zbog stimulirajući učinak kumin na endokrini žlijezde, sekrecija inzulina povećana je s gušterače koji povećava razinu inzulina u krvi, a time pomaže pravilnu asimilaciju i apsorpciju šećera i rezultanta pada razine šećera u krvi. Ova nekretnina je vrlo korisno za bolesnika s dijabetesom i drugima previše.
Ostale prednosti: Još uvijek žele više od toga? Možete ga dobiti! Korijander pomaže izliječiti čir, upala, grč i djeluje kao ekspektorans, štiti i smiruje jetru. To je anti-kancerogena, anti-convulsant, anti-histaminic i hypnotic. Korijander

Orginalni text na Engleskom:
Health Benefits of Coriander
Tweet The health benefits of coriander include treatment of swellings, high cholesterol levels, diarrhea, Mouth ulcers, anemia, digestion, menstrual disorders, small pox, eye care, conjunctivitis, skin disorders, blood sugar disorders, etc.

Coriander, commonly known as Dhania in the Indian Subcontinent or Cilantro in the Americas and some part of Europe, is an herb which is extensively used around the world as a condiment or as a garnish or as a decoration on the dishes. Its scientific name is Coriandrum Sativum L. Its leaves and fruits have typical aroma and are used raw or dried in culinary.

But that part of introduction was only the tip of the ice-berg. Coriander has so many benefits that a book can be written on them. It has eleven components of essential oils, six types of acids (including ascorbic acid, better known as vitamin-C), minerals and vitamins, each having a number of beneficial properties. The rest is given below.

Swellings: Cineole, one of the 11 components of the essential oils, and linoleic acid, present in coriander, possess anti rheumatic and anti arthritic properties, which are very beneficial for swelling caused due to these two reasons. For others, such as swelling due to malfunctioning of kidney or anemia, it is seen to be effective to some extent, as some of the components help excretion of extra water from the body while.
High Cholesterol Levels: Some of the acids present in coriander viz. linoleic acid, oleic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid and ascorbic acid (vitamin-C) are very effective in reducing the cholesterol level in the blood. They also reduce the cholesterol deposition along the inner walls of the arteries and veins.
Diarrhea: Some of the components of essential oils in coriander such as Borneol and Linalool, aid digestion, proper functioning of liver and bonding of bowels, helping cure diarrhea. It is also helpful in diarrhea caused by microbial and fungal action, since components like Cineole, Borneol, Limonene, Alpha-pinene & beta-phelandrene have anti bacterial effects. In addition, the fresh coriander leaves are excellent appetizers.
Mouth Ulcers: Citronelol, a component of essential oils in coriander, is an excellent antiseptic. In addition, other components have anti microbial and healing effects which do not let wounds and ulcers in the mouth go worse. They aid healing up of ulcers and freshen up the breath.
Anemia: Coriander is good in iron content which directly helps curing anemia.
Digestion: Coriander, due to its rich aroma because of its essential oils, apart from being an excellent appetizer, helps in proper secretion of enzymes and digestive juices in the stomach, stimulates digestion and peristaltic motion. It is helpful in treating problems like anorexia.
Small Pox: The essential oils in coriander are rich in anti microbial, anti oxidant, anti infectious and detoxifying components and acids. The presence of vitamin-C and iron strengthen the immune system too. These properties help prevent and cure small pox. They also reduce the pain and have a soothing effect on pox patients.
Menstrual Disorders: Being stimulating in nature and helping proper secretion from the endocrine glands, it also helps proper secretion of the hormones and thereby inducing proper menstrual cycles and reducing pains etc. during periods.
Eye Care: Coriander has lots of anti oxidants, vitamin-A, vitamin-C and minerals like phosphorus in the essential oils in it which prevents aging of eye, macular degeneration and soothes eyes against stress.
Conjunctivitis: As discussed earlier, coriander is a very good disinfectant and has anti microbial properties which protect the eyes from contagious diseases like conjunctivitis.
Skin Disorders: The disinfectant, detoxifying, anti-septic, anti-fungal and anti-oxidant properties of cumin are ideal for curing skin disorders such as eczema, dryness and fungal infections.
Blood Sugar: Due the stimulating effect of cumin on the endocrine glands, the secretion of insulin is increased from pancreas which increases the insulin level in the blood, thereby helping proper assimilation and absorption of sugar and resultant fall in the sugar level in the blood. This property is very beneficial for the diabetes patients and others too.
Other benefits: Still want more from it? You get it! Coriander helps cure ulcer, inflammation, spasm and acts as an expectorant, protects and soothes liver. It is anti-carcinogenic, anti-convulsant, anti-histaminic and hypnotic.


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