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  • The Chill, Scott Carson

The Chill, Scott Carson

10 €
Šifra oglasa: 42528297

Osnovne informacije

Grad Zagreb, Trnje, Sigečica

Opis oglasa

U ovom zastrašujućem trileru, nadnaravna sila—pokrenuta prije jednog stoljeća—prijeti opustošiti New York City.

Daleko na sjeveru države, u drevnim šumama New Yorka, utopljeno selo leži ispod mračnih, mirnih voda akumulacije Chilewaukee. Početkom 20. stoljeća grad je uništen za veće dobro: dovođenje vode do milijuna ljudi koji žive u donjoj državi. Ili su barem na tome tada inzistirali političari s Manhattana. Lokalne obitelji, nastanjene ondje od osnutka Amerike, bile su protjerane sa svoje zemlje, ali se nisu daleko selile, a neke se uopće nisu selile...

Sada, stoljeće kasnije, posljedice ljudske arogancije konačno su postale poznate. Inspektor koji je zadužen za nadzor brane, opasno zanemarene desetljećima, svjedoči nečemu neobjašnjivom. Ispostavilo se da je više od sela ostalo u vodama Chilla kada je napušteno. Građani se nisu evakuirali bez borbe. Ostalo je i mračno proročanstvo, koje je došlo vrijeme da se ispuni. Oni koji pamte moraju se zapitati: tko će biti sljedeći? Jer žrtve se moraju podnijeti. I dok mračne vode počinju neumoljivo rasti, zahtjev za novom žrtvom izranja iz dubine...

In this terrifying thriller, a supernatural force—set in motion a century ago—threatens to devastate New York City.

Far upstate, in New York’s ancient forests, a drowned village lays beneath the dark, still waters of the Chilewaukee reservoir. Early in the 20th century, the town was destroyed for the greater good: bringing water to the millions living downstate. Or at least that’s what the politicians from Manhattan insisted at the time. The local families, settled there since America’s founding, were forced from their land, but they didn’t move far, and some didn’t move at all…

Now, a century later, the repercussions of human arrogance are finally making themselves known. An inspector assigned to oversee the dam, dangerously neglected for decades, witnesses something inexplicable. It turns out that more than the village was left behind in the waters of the Chill when it was abandoned. The townspeople didn’t evacuate without a fight. A dark prophecy remained, too, and the time has come for it to be fulfilled. Those who remember must ask themselves: who will be next? For sacrifices must be made. And as the dark waters begin to inexorably rise, the demand for a fresh sacrifice emerges from the deep...



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14.02.2024. u 17:07
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