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  • TOPPING D10 USB DAC 32bit/384kHz DSD 256 XMOS U208 ES9018K2M
  • TOPPING D10 USB DAC 32bit/384kHz DSD 256 XMOS U208 ES9018K2M
  • TOPPING D10 USB DAC 32bit/384kHz DSD 256 XMOS U208 ES9018K2M
  • TOPPING D10 USB DAC 32bit/384kHz DSD 256 XMOS U208 ES9018K2M

TOPPING D10 USB DAC 32bit/384kHz DSD 256 XMOS U208 ES9018K2M

80 €
Šifra oglasa: 39428834

Osnovne informacije

Karlovačka, Karlovac, Rakovac

Opis oglasa

The DAC USB TOPPING D10 includes all the on-board components to make high quality HD music. Featuring a USB Xmos U208 USB input, a DAC ESS SABRE ES9018K2M, AOP OPA2134 on DIP 8 media, they offer great services at a reasonable price. A clever product that will find its place next to a desktop or laptop.

USB XMOS U208 high-performance USB XMOS U208 high-performance
Analog output with AOP 2134 on DIP 8 support
Optical and coaxial SPDIF digital output
Readable display with PCM and DSD sample display
Ideal with PA3 Topping Amp

Recenzija i mjerenja: https://www.audiosciencereview.com/forum/index.php?threads/review-and-measurements-of-topping-d10-dac.2470/

Samo osobno preuzimanje Karlovac i okolica


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14.01.2023. u 12:56
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