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  • Pioneer SG-9800 Equalizer
  • Pioneer SG-9800 Equalizer
  • Pioneer SG-9800 Equalizer

Pioneer SG-9800 Equalizer

132,72 €
Šifra oglasa: 4438664

Osnovne informacije


Opis oglasa

Pioneer SG-9800 Equalizer u odličnom stanju, prodajem ili mijenjam.

The SG-9800 was introduced in 1979 and was manufactured through 1980. It featured twelve bands of equalization for each channel with a boost/cut range of 10 dB. It featured a negligible .02 THD at maximum output. The signal-to-noise ratio of 92 dB was even more impressive than the SG-9500. It measured 16.5 w, x 14.0 dp x 6.0 h and weighed 15.5 pounds. It sold for $395.



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