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  • Mikado Logo Extreme 800 RTF with Ace Waypoint
  • Mikado Logo Extreme 800 RTF with Ace Waypoint

Mikado Logo Extreme 800 RTF with Ace Waypoint

26.146,26 €
Šifra oglasa: 14807200

Osnovne informacije

Grad Zagreb

Opis oglasa

Mikado Logo Extreme 800 RTF with DJI Ace Waypoint Feature-Industrialized Flight Control Algorithm - Professional UAV with Auto Pilot Ground Station

RTF - ready to fly out of the box.

- fully autonomus flight
- range 10km
- speed up to 120km/h
- flightime 25 min with Zenmuse and Canon 5D Mark III
- long range video link
- dual operation pilot + camerman
- retractable legs with 360 degress working area
- professional damping system with no vibratons on camera.
- autolanding feature
- comming home feature
- way point flying

Scope of Delivery:
- Logo Extreme 800
- 4x battery holders
- retractable legs
- 4x 6s 10.000mAh
- duo charger + power e-fuel
- Pilot remote - Graupner MC32
- Cam remote - Futaba SG14 with pult and PRO LCD 8 inch and long range antennas.
- Pro Case

Professional UAV Auto Pilot Ground Station

Ace Waypoint ground station system is built on an upgrade from Ace One’s DJI fourth generation helicopter autopilot products, and ground control software (GCS). It has all the features of Ace One, while providing the advanced reliability and flight stability core modules. Precise flight positioning, high mobility and ease of use, together with the aid of the advanced industry professional level ground station system, upgrades the unmanned helicopter system into a fully automated aerial work platform, with applications in specialized professions, including various industrial operations.

Reliable Datalink

DJI offers 2.4Ghz and 900MHz datalink to achieve long-range two-way communication. The datalink maximum distance is up to 15km. The ground end also links with USB power supply that is convenient for outdoor use. The wireless module uses FHSS technology which is verified by FCC and CE certification, DJI datalink has many advantages such as: high data rate, stable performance, strong anti-interference capability, and long communication distance. The 2.4GHz datalink’s power consumption is 550mw and 900MHz datalink 1.5W, which is big advantage for long-distance flight missions.

Industrial Flight Control Algorithm

The entire ground control system combines GPS 6DOF inertial measurement unit, magnetometer, and pressure altimeter sensors to optimize robustness of algorithms and robotic control logics. Ground control system utilizes advanced GPS/INS proprietary algorithm technology in the entire design. Even in adverse conditions, high vibration and high demand environments, the helicopter maintains flight stability accurately to ensure mission success rate.


- Dajemo jamstvo na sve proizvode, minimalno 12 mjeseci a za neke proizvode i do 12 godina!
- Oprema se može isprobati i pogledati u maloprodajnoj poslovnici
- Moguće je obročno plaćanje na rate kreditnim karticama
- Proizvode dostavljamo u sva mjesta i sve adrese u Hrvatskoj, moguća je isporuka u bilo kojem Poštanskom uredu
- Brza dostava
- Povoljne cijene
- Veliki izbor fotografske i video opreme
- Moguće je dobiti povrat PDV-a za strane državljane
- Pružamo stručnu pomoć kod kupovine i tehničku podršku
- Osiguran servis i rezervni dijelovi


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- gotovinom u poslovnici
- karticama jednokratno ili na rate (Maestro, Visa, Mastercard, GoCard, Diners, American Express)
*prikazane cijene odnose se na uplatu na žiro račun ili pouzeće, te vrijede kod internet narudžbi na: www.canosa.com.hr


- HP, Overseas, IN Time i Pošta prema svim adresama u Hrvatskoj
- DPD službom prema svim adresama u Europskoj Uniji
- HP i Pošta prema svim ostalim adresama
- Ukoliko ste na putu unutar RH možemo dostaviti narudžbe na adresu Vama najbližeg poštanskog ureda


CANOSA - Centar Bundek
Damira Tomljanovića Gavrana 9
10146 Zagreb
Tel: (+385) 1 889 7208
Fax: (+385) 1 889 7208
Mob: (+385)98 959 6732
E-mail: maloprodaja@canosa.com.hr
Web: www.canosa.com.hr
Samyang: www.samyang.com.hr
Kontakt: www.canosa.com.hr/page.asp?title=kontakt

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