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  • Lomography Light Painter Z140TORCH laser lampa za crtanje svijetla na

Lomography Light Painter Z140TORCH laser lampa za crtanje svijetla na

10,35 €
Šifra oglasa: 17308619

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Grad Zagreb

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Lomography Light Painter Z140TORCH laser lampa za crtanje svijetla na fotografijama tijekom ekspozicije

Think you can’t paint? Well, we think you can—with light! It takes just a few simple clicks and you’ll be adding stunning light enhancements to your photos using the Lomography Light Painter. This gadget is equipped with eight different light variations that allow you to experiment as you shoot. Easily rotate between single color modes or achieve a whole spectrum of colors when you combine them. Or, if you’re feeling super adventurous, choose the Light Painter’s auto-controlled light beam to create an ever-changing stream of color!

Camera Family any
Color black
Material metal

Što je potrebno za crtanje svijetla?
- fotoaparat
- stativ (stalak za fotoaparat)
- Lomography Light Painter
- fotograf

Kako to napraviti?

1. Crtanje svijetla najbolje radi u uvjetima slabog osvjetljenja. Dakle pričekajte sumrak ili fotografirajte u tamnom prostoru
2. Postavite fotoaparat na stabilnu površinu, a najbolje na fotografski stativ. Pobrinite se da se nitko ne pomiče dok fotografirate
3. Postavite fotoaparat na postavke za dulju ekspoziciju. To znači da će zatvarač ostati dulje vremena otvoren i više svijetla će ući u objektiv
4. Koristite malu lampu Lomography Light Painter i budite kreativni u iscrtavanju!
5. Ako želite napisati svijetlosnu poruku na svoju fotografiju, ne zaboravite to napraviti unatrag ako želite da bude čitljiva nakon obrade. Alternativno, možete samo nacrtati nešto u tragovima, eksperimentirajte!
6. Razvijte ili isprintajte Vaše fotografije i podijelite s drugima Vaše novootkrivene crtačke vještine

How To Do It
Light painting works best in low light conditions. So either wait till dusk or go into a dark room.
Set up your camera on a steady surface or tripod. And make sure no one moves it while you make art.
Set your camera to the B shutter setting - This allows for a long exposure and means that the shutter will stay open for a longer time so more light will enter the lens.
Use a lighter, a small torch, match, glow-stick, light pen or any other small source of light that you can find...get creative! Tip: Try using a sparkling candle to see sparks fly!
If you want to write a message on your picture, remember to do it backwards if you want it to be legible after processing. Alternately, just draw something or wiggle around or trace something, experiment!
Get your pictures developed and marvel at your newly-discovered light painting skills!

A Few Suggestions
Use your surroundings to paint for you.
If you are in the city at night, set up your camera and take a long exposure of the light trails cars leave as they drive past. At a carnival or amusement park let a spinning Ferris-Wheel do the painting for you.
Play with multiple exposures
Make a picture of your cat, a flower, a car, whatever, then light paint a cat, flower, car on top of the initial image for a crazy effect! The possibilities are endless, but one thing is for sure, light painting is a hell of a lot of fun!
Star Trails
Set up an ultra-long exposure, position your camera on a Tripod, point it up at a clear night sky and see the path that the stars make once your image is developed.


What to Avoid When Doing Light Painting
It’s so easy to get carried away with this fun technique. Make sure your shots are effective by following these helpful pointers!
A Guide to Steel Wool Light Painting
Here’s for the bold and the brave: something to try if you’re feeling mischievous with light painting.
Commitment to Sparkle Motion: Sparkler Portraits and Light Painting
How do you make your photos shimmer and sparkle? This trick shows you how.
Light Painting: Dancing in the Dark
Here’s a fun way to explore the creative possibilities of light painting – by doing some graceful dance moves!

How long should I expose for?
This depends on what you are trying to capture - If you are drawing something just leave your shutter open for as long as you are painting for. If you want to capture a night scene with moving objects, you should be safe with a 5/10 second exposure (depending on the speed that the light source is moving at). But these are just guidelines – Experiment and find out what works best for you!
How will I know if I'm standing inside the frame properly?
This can also be a little complicated but basically, just try and take a look through your viewfinder. If you are in the dark then illuminate the scene so you can see, then try and mark how far you can go vertically and horizontally so that you’ll remain inside your frame when the photo is taken.
You say I have to draw backwards? How do I do that?
This can definitely be tricky! But some letters such as T,I,O,M,H,Y,U,W,X,V & A are disaffected by this mirror writing rule - So if you don’t want to bother with writing backwards just fiddle about with those letters. If you do want to use the rest of the alphabet or want to draw an image, just imagine you are looking at it in a mirror and write it that way.
I don’t have a B Shutter setting. What should I do?
Maybe your camera has a manual shutter release? If that is the case then get your friend to hold your shutter open for you while you do the painting.
When should I enter the frame in the photo?
Since you will be in relative darkness, nothing will really affect your picture until your light source starts shining.
What ISO film should I use?
Use a film of ISO 400 or even ISO 800 for the best results.


Exposure Time
The amount of time that passes while the lens is open, allowing light to hit your film and an exposure to be made.
Shutter Speed
This is the speed or time in which your shutter opens and closes, allowing light into your camera. It is closely related to the exposure time.
This is the window in your camera which you look through when composing your shot.
This is the size of your lens opening. Apertures are described using f numbers. A large aperture (large lens opening) will have a small f number like f.2 or f.4. A small aperture (small lens opening) will have a large f number such as f.16 or f.20. If you would like a lot of light to enter your lens, you should use a large aperture (with a small f number). If you would like less light to enter your lens, you should use a small aperture (with a large f number).
B Setting
The B stands for 'Bulb'. The B setting allows you to manually hold the shutter open and this gives you full freedom over how long you want to expose your photo for. Some Lomography Cameras which have a B setting are the La Sardina, Fisheye No.2, Sprocket Rocket, Belair Cameras, Lubitel 166+, Diana F+ and Diana Mini.
Shutter Release
The button you press to take a photo!


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