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  • Risk - Game of Thrones Deluxe Edition
  • Risk - Game of Thrones Deluxe Edition
  • Risk - Game of Thrones Deluxe Edition
  • Risk - Game of Thrones Deluxe Edition

Risk - Game of Thrones Deluxe Edition

73 €
Šifra oglasa: 26664061

Osnovne informacije


Opis oglasa

Novo i neotvoreno
Deluxe verzija
Skirmish has 5 players
* Stark, Baratheon, Lannister, Martell & Tyrell
* 45 army pieces each faction (30 of 1 unit, 15 of 3 units)
* 5 Seats of Power (castle token)
* 1 game mode
Deluxe has 7 players
* Stark, Baratheon, Lannister, Martell, Tyrell, Targaryen & Ghiscari
* 7 Seats of Power representing the noble Houses
* 7 player boards representing the noble Houses
* 45 army pieces each faction (same plus +2 factions)
* 20 tokens of +10 for player boards
* 63 special unit tokens (21 towers, 21 horsemen, 21 catapults)
* Deluxe has 75 gold dragon coins (50 of 100 and 25 of 500)
* 3 game modes

Skirmish has 1 board
* Westeros
Deluxe has 2 boards
* Westeros
* 'Across the Narrow Sea'

Skirmish has 5 dice
* 'normal' risk set
Deluxe has 9 dice
* 'normal' (5 dice)
* 4 eight sided dice (2 red and 2 black)

Skirmish has ??? cards
* territory
* end game card
Deluxe has 188 cards
* Territory
* Objective
* Character (28, 4 each faction)
* Maester

It looks like the skirmish set doesn't have:
* any of the special cards (Objective, Character & Maester)
* special unit tokens
* gold dragon coins
* Seats of Power
* player boards


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