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  • Roger Waters - The Wall Live in Berlin (SACD Remastered)
  • Roger Waters - The Wall Live in Berlin (SACD Remastered)
  • Roger Waters - The Wall Live in Berlin (SACD Remastered)
  • Roger Waters - The Wall Live in Berlin (SACD Remastered)

Roger Waters - The Wall Live in Berlin (SACD Remastered)

14,60 €
Šifra oglasa: 26871935

Osnovne informacije


Opis oglasa

Prodajem original CD 'Roger Waters - The Wall Live in Berlin'.
CD je u izvrsnom stanju, nema naznaka korištenja. Radi se o tzv. hibridnom SACD-u.

Remastered reissue of the live album of the charity rock concert by Roger Waters (Pink Floyd) with Bryan Adams, Cyndi Lauper, Scopions, & more.
SACD Hybrid disc has a layer that is playable on regular CD players. Such titles are indicated as "Product Type SACD Hybrid" in Product Details. And in this case, it only plays regular CD audio quality. If you want SACD audio quality, you need SACD players.

***** Cijena ne uključuje poštarinu. Ukoliko živite u Puli ili Zagrebu, osobno preuzimanje.
Oglas objavljen
04.11.2018. u 15:17
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