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  • Alistair Maclean: Night Without End

Alistair Maclean: Night Without End

5,31 €

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Šifra oglasa: 28013923

Osnovne informacije

Grad Zagreb, Stenjevec, Špansko
Interna šifra
N-ENG 12

Opis oglasa

Meki uvez
ISBN 9780194792653

On the Polar ice-cap, 640 kilometres north of the Arctic Circle, the deadly, icy winds can freeze a man to death in minutes. But the survivors of the crashed airliner are lucky – they are rescued by three scientists from a nearby weather station.
But why did the airliner crash in the first place? Who smashed the radio to pieces? And why does the dead pilot have a bullet hole in his back? The rescue quickly turns into a nightmare: a race through the endless Arctic night, a race against time, cold, hunger – and a killer with a gun.


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25.07.2023. u 19:38
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ZUZI obrt za trgovinu i uslužne djelatnosti

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